Our Impact
YT starts as a coalition of five CBOs to combat racial violence in East Bay high schools.
Facilitated conflict mediations at Castlemont, Skyline, and Richmond High Schools
Wins clean bathroom campaign for Richmond High School
Organized “One Land One People Conference” to demand for school and community centers
Advocate for Student Learning at Berkeley
1st Regional retreat & Leadership Institute
Join Schools Not Jails Coalition against Prop 21
Won Berkeley Student Learning Center Campaign
Hosts and Joins the Peace & Dignity Journey’s intercontinental Runners
Project YES Campaign I launched to convert empty county building into a youth center now known as Youth Uprising
Launched School Safety Committee and Youth Center at Skyline
1st year of Healthy Start One Land One People Youth Center at Fremont High
All YT school sites institute Unity Weeks to combat violence and build solidarity in the schools
Lead education against Prejudice and hate crimes against SWANAY/Muslim youth at Berkeley High
One Land and One People Collaborative is launched in the city of Richmond at Richmond High as a community-based entity
Won Ethnic Studies campaign in WCCUSD, creating a 9th grade course requirement now known as the Foundations Course
Launched “Shot in the Corner, Shot in Iraq: Youth Need Better Choices” site-wide teach-ins and participate in peace marches
Won YT-leadership class at Kennedy High School
Organize Da Bay Coalition is created
March for Education: against AB 1554
Became 501(c)(3)
Win two-year delay in the implementation of the California High School Exit Exam
Student Power Campaign is launched
YT launches first Strategic Plan
Student Power campaign win a formal redesign of OUSD student leadership curriculum, structure and involvement in decision making
Campaign for Quality Education Coalition is created
YT monitors implementation of William’s Settlement agreement to provide youth w/ facilities and resources for a quality education
Begin Food Justice Campaign at Castlemont High School
Campaign for Quality Education is created -> Lead into LCFF
Meaningful Student Engagement Initiative is launched at OUSD with YT as lead partner
Pass OUSD resolution on Healthy Options
National Convening for Organizing Education Reform
Fremont lead campus Beautification campaign
Mobilize 2,000 to Sacramento with our CQE allies
Move into YES, load Student Unity Council and OLOP Collaborative
Move from Berkeley High to Berkeley Tech Academy
Launched Youth Center at Youth Empowerment School
Campaign with Skyline - Clean Bathroom
Win resolution that aligns OUSD graduation with A-G college course requirements
YT LSO’s vote to make Kids Count primary campaign to increase state funding
Mobilize 1,000 students to state capital to protest budget cuts and to pass Assembly Bill 8 (AB 8) and Assembly Concurrent Resolution 54 (ACR 54)
CA Legislators pass LCFF in 2013! Addressing the inequities in the state public education funding system
YT engages in lobbying, community education, and actions for the LCFF from 2007-2013
In 2015, Organize Da Bay Coalition - Student organizing groups agree to establish ODB Coalition to bring more student groups together to address the student power issues that emerged from student surveys and align youth organizing efforts across the bay.
In 2017, All City Council Student Union got the Board of Education to adopt a follow-up resolution to increase Graduation Rates and Strengthen Student Access to A-G Completion Through the Implementation of the Student Equity Credit Recovery and Prevention program. An Alternative Credit Recovery Implementation Committee is formed of staff across OUSD departments to work together to implement. Former LSO, Adriana Villegas, supported the implementation fo Credit Recovery.
Student Voice Campaign on OUSD Budget
Oakland Teacher Strike